doctor of agriculture 意味

  • doctor of agriculture


  1. hayato fukuba , a senior official of the imperial household ministry and a doctor of agriculture (viscount ) who was also known as a horticulturist and landscape architect , was his adopted son .
    園芸・造園家・宮中顧問官の 福羽逸人 農学博士(子爵)は、養嗣子にあたる。
  2. doctor of agriculture , chozaburo tanaka advocated that origin of citrus unshu was nagashima , kagoshima prefecture (today ' s nagashima town , izumi district , kagoshima prefecture ) through literature research and field study , and as the estimated age of a tree 300-year-old was found in 1936 (withered away during the pacific war ), no doubt have influenced this theory .


        agriculture:     agriculture n. 農業. 【動詞+】 Stalin collectivized Soviet agriculture. スターリンはソ連の農業を集産化した Much of America's agriculture is controlled by banks. アメリカの農業の多くの部分が銀行によって管理されている develop a reg
        doctor:     1doctor n. 医者; 博士, 学者; 《口語》 修繕屋. 【動詞+】 call (in) a doctor 医者を呼ぶ I'd like to change doctors. 医者を替えたい consult a doctor 医者にかかる Go and fetch a doctor. 医者を呼んでこい get a doc
        doctor no:    {著作} : 007ドクター?ノオ◆英1958《著》イアン?フレミング(Ian Fleming)
        advanced agriculture:    先進的農業{せんしんてき のうぎょう}
        agreement on agriculture:    農業協定{のうぎょう きょうてい}
        agriculture and forestry:    agriculture and forestry 農林 のうりん
        agriculture and horticulture:    agriculture and horticulture 農芸 のうげい
        agriculture and industry:    agriculture and industry 農工 のうこう
        agriculture expansion:    農業{のうぎょう}の拡大{かくだい}
        agriculture group:    農業{のうぎょう}グループ
        agriculture market:    農業市場{のうぎょう しじょう}
        agriculture minister:    Agriculture Minister 農相 のうしょう
        agriculture promotion:    農業振興{のうぎょう しんこう}
        agriculture resource:    農業資源{のうぎょう しげん}
        agriculture secretary:    《米》農務長官{のうむ ちょうかん}


  1. "doctor mark" 意味
  2. "doctor martens" 意味
  3. "doctor mordrid" 意味
  4. "doctor no" 意味
  5. "doctor of aeronautical engineering" 意味
  6. "doctor of applied chemistry" 意味
  7. "doctor of archaeology" 意味
  8. "doctor of architecture" 意味
  9. "doctor of astronomy" 意味
  10. "doctor no" 意味
  11. "doctor of aeronautical engineering" 意味
  12. "doctor of applied chemistry" 意味
  13. "doctor of archaeology" 意味

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